Who and what:

Big Brother Mouse publishes books that make it fun and easy to learn to read.Today, few books are available in Laos, and most children in the countryside have never read a book. Our goal is to show the rich diversity of life that books can provide. Our books include everything from traditional Lao stories to Dr Seuss and subjects ranging from dinosaurs to tooth decay. 

The experience:

Visit our shops in Luang Prabang or Vientiane to meet the people writing, designing, and publishing the books. Buy books and give them out to children or teachers, as a meaningful contribution to personal development and education. If you give advance notice, you can sponsor a book party in a local village.

From Hanuman:

Big Brother Mouse is wonderful experience for visitors with an interest in education and opportunities for rural children in the developing world. Many people want to assist the children of Laos and Big Brother Mouse makes it possible in a simple and inexpensive way. For those who want to contribute more in time or money, a book party is a memorable event, staged in a rural school in a remote village.

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