
Who and what:

The Hninzigone Home for the Aged, Yangon, is a non-profit humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Myanmar. Its mission is to provide accommodation and care for the helpless and homeless aged senior citizens in the evening years of their lives.

The experience:

The Hninzigone Home is host to many visitors from within the country, who come to observe this humanitarian mission. Generous donations by well-wishers have helped the Home maintain steady growth, and has become a model to observe and emulate. It has also become a focal point for visitors from abroad to Myanmar, who visit the Home to study how the Myanmar way of organization culture works.

From Hanuman:

Drop into the Hninsigone Home for the Aged, where there are around 175 elderly people in residence. This care centre is privately operated by support from local individuals as well as communities. As well as chatting to the residents, it is possible to help both them and the staff, to ease the burdens of the day.